Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky

I have some sort of outrageous cold/flu because I totally lack an immune system, but oh well. Picked up Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain at the library and am slowly making my way through it. If it helps me out with stuff, that'd be pretty sweet. :V

Anyway, found and old picture I'll.. probably never finish. Excuse the dong/murry purries. I opened it up and did a number on it in photoshop, and despite the partial inks, I actually really like it like this. I had Fields of Gold stuck in my head the while time I was shoopin' it.

Yellow is actually one of my favorite colors. It's a crime that I use it so rarely. >:( I like buttery yellow, though, not eyerape yellow.

And work on the blog continues on, slowly but surely. I can't wait until I can start linking it out and get imput and critique. Every art site I've ever been on, every single person is critique phobic, which is.. stupid. But then, I actually like trying to improve.